India: Kanpur to be headquarters of three defence public undertakings

Kanpur: The Ministry of Defence has issued a resolution detailing specifics of the formation of the seven Defence Public Sector Undertakings.

It will take over operations of the 41 factories of the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB).

It now ceased to exist as a body as the resolution came into force on October 1.

Kanpur will have the headquarters of three of the defence public undertakings.

The resolution states that the management and control of a section of the non-production units will be transferred to the Directorate of Ordnance (Coordination and Services) under the Department of Defence Production.

Some other non-production units will go under the umbrella of the seven newly formed DPSUs.

This process of corporatisation has been in the face of strong opposition from the workers' federations.

These federations and some other employee bodies observed Black Day for Ordnance Factories. Their members boycotted lunch as a sign of protest.

The Advanced Weapons and Equipment India Limited, Troop Comforts Limited and Gliders India Ltd will also be based in Kanpur.