Sudan’s Bashir jailed for 2 years for corruption

Omar al-Bashir

15 Dec 2019; MEMO: A Sudanese court on sentenced former President Omar Al-Bashir to two years in prison for corruption, Anadolu Agency reports.

The court in Khartoum found Al-Bashir, 75, guilty of corruption and illicit possession of foreign currency.

Supporters of the former president disrupted proceeding by chanting slogans during the trial, prompting the judge to remove them from the court session.

Al-Bashir was removed from power by the military in April after months of popular protests against his 30-year rule.

After his overthrow, authorities seized 7 million euros, $351,000 and 5 million Sudanese pounds from his home.

Prosecutors had accused Al-Bashir of corruption, possession of foreign currency and receiving gifts illegally.

Since his ouster, Al-Bashir has been held in Kober prison in Khartoum.