Washington DC

US worried Israel may attack Iran to save Netanyahu

27 Nov 2019; MEMO: US and Israeli military officials met on Sunday and discussed the Iranian threat to Israel, an Israeli military source told the Anadolu Agency.

The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, gave no further details but Israeli newspaper Haaretz published an article by Amos Harel revealing the essence of the discussions.

Afghan peace talks with Taliban has resumed: Trump

Washington, Nov 29 (PTI) US President Donald Trump has confirmed that his administration had resumed talks with the Taliban with the purpose of bringing peace in Afghanistan, but refused to give a timeline for drawdown of his troops.

"Yes," Trump told a small group of reporters at the Bagram Air Field on Thursday when asked to confirm whether the US had restarted discussions with the Taliban after calling the peace talks "dead" in September.

More than 227K Indians waiting for family-sponsored Green Card

Washington, Nov 28 (PTI) More than 227,000 Indians are waiting in line for family-sponsored Green Card or legal permanent residency, according to a latest recent official data.

Currently, there are about four million people waiting in line for family-sponsored Green Cards against a Congressional cap of 226,000 per annum.

Trump signs bill supporting pro-democracy Hong Kong protesters

Washington, Nov 28 (PTI) US President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed a bill that supports pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, a move that is bound to anger China.

The legislation proposes to impose sanctions on officials committing human rights violations against pro-democracy supporters in Hong Kong. It was passed by both the chambers of the US Congress House of Representatives (417-1) and the Senate unanimously.

Pompeo urges Egypt to respect freedom of press after journalist detentions

27 Nov 2019; MEMO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday called on Egypt to respect freedom of the press, days after Egyptian security forces raided the office of independent news website Mada Masr and briefly detained three of its staff, reports Reuters.

Indian-American Anil Raj killed in Kabul

Washington, Nov 26 (PTI) Indian-American Anil Raj was killed in a terrorist attack in Kabul, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday.

I want to confirm with a heavy heart that a United States citizen, Anil Raj of California, was killed in a terrorist attack on a UN vehicle in Kabul on November 24. There were five other civilians who were injured, including staff, Pompeo told reporters at a news conference here.

Congressional Committee invites Trump to attend impeachment hearing

Washington, Nov 27 (PTI) A key Congressional Committee in the House of Representatives has invited US President Donald Trump to attend or send his officials to participate in the impeachment hearings against him.

House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday announced to hold its first impeachment hearing against Trump next week.

Ousted Navy secretary made secret deal with Trump: Pentagon chief

Washington, Nov 25 (AFP/PTI) The US defense secretary Monday defended the decision to sack his navy secretary, saying he went behind his back to make a deal with the White House over a convicted Navy SEAL's future.

Mark Esper told reporters Richard Spencer, the Navy's top civilian, admitted he had gone around Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley.

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