
After Gaza strikes, Israel threatens Iranian forces in Syria

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Palestinian militants ceased rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel and relative calm prevailed Saturday afternoon after a night-long exchange of fire that prompted Israeli threats against Iranian forces in Syria.

The Islamic Jihad group, a militant faction operating in the Hamas-ruled Gaza but that has close ties to Iran and Syria, said they agreed to Egyptian mediation efforts and halted the rocket fire, the heaviest to emanate from Gaza in months.

All Israeli airlines to stop flying from 2019 due to security concerns: media

JERUSALEM, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- Israel's leading airline El Al warns that all Israeli airlines will stop flying from Jan. 1, 2019 because of security concerns abroad, a local newspaper reported Sunday.

The surprising announcement was made by Eli Dapas, El Al chairman, in his urgent letter to the deputy head of Israel's National Security Council and the director general of the Prime Minister's Office, the Hebrew-language newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support

JERUSALEM; 9 Oct 2018; (AP) — In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa.

Israel PM's wife goes on trial in delivery meals case

7 Oct 2018; AFP: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wife Sara Netanyahu goes on trial Sunday for allegedly using state funds to fraudulently pay for hundreds of meals, part of a list of legal troubles facing the family.

The start of the trial will be the latest chapter in a saga intensely scrutinised in Israel -- but dismissed by the Netanyahus as another "absurd" attempt to discredit them.

Israeli business tycoon enters jail

JERUSALEM, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- One of Israeli most powerful tycoons started to serve three-year prison sentence on Tuesday for security fraud, Israel's Prison Service said in a statement.

Nochi Dankner, 63, arrived in the morning at the Maasiyahu Prison in central Israel accompanied by his son-in-law and lawyer.

"This is a difficult day for me and my family," Dankner told reporters at the entrance of the prison.

"I have fought for my innocence......I trust the justice and legal system and love the State of Israel very much," he added.

Netanyahu tells Putin Israel "regrets" Russian aircrew death in Syria

JERUSALEM, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Tuesday Russian President Vladimir Putin to convey Israel's condolences to the death of Russian aircrew shot down by Syrian forces during an Israeli airstrike.

The phone talk came after Syrian air defense missiles shot down a 15-crew Russian plane amidst an Israeli air raid on the Syrian city of Latakia, according to Israeli and Russian officials.

Philippines to buy weapons "only from Israel": president

JERUSALEM, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Tuesday that he decided to purchase weapons only from Israel because the country does not restrict their uses as other countries do, according to officials and local media.

The remarks were made during Duterte's meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on the third day of his four-day visit to Israel.

He thanked Rivlin for the military and security assistance and knowledge provided by Israel to the Philippines over the past years.

Israeli soldier has ‘no regret’ for killing Palestinian

JERUSALEM; 29 Aug 2018; AA: A former Israeli soldier who shot dead an injured Palestinian said that he has “no regret” for his action.

“I know what I have done was right, and I go with it all the way with my head up,” Elor Azaria said in an interview with Israel Hayoum newspaper, excerpts of which were released on Wednesday.

"I do not regret it,” he said “and if time goes back to that moment in Hebron. I will do exactly what I did, because it was the right thing to do.”

Arab MKs seek to take Jewish ‘nation-state’ law to UN

JERUSALEM; 27 Aug 2018; AA: Arab members of Knesset (Israel’s parliament) are seeking UN censure of Israel over a recent law recognizing Israel as the “nation-state of the Jewish people”, The Jerusalem Post daily reported.

“The Palestinian delegation, in cooperation with Knesset members from the Arab parties, is planning steps aimed at smearing Israel and damaging its image through incitement and lies,” Israel’s ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said.

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