
EU approves over $87m humanitarian aid to Yemen

8 Nov 2019; MEMO: The European Commission yesterday pledged €79 million ($87.4 million) in aid to support Yemen, where the five-year-old conflict has created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

The package will help Yemeni communities sustain public services, such as health care and education, and will also stimulate the private sector, aiming to develop livelihood opportunities in a country where the economy has halted, reported New Europe.

Trump will not impose tariffs on EU cars: Juncker

Munich (Germany), Nov 8 (AFP/PTI) The outgoing president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said Friday he believes the US will not impose new tariffs on imported European cars in the coming days.

President Donald Trump's administration has been threatening since last year to impose tariffs on auto imports to defend the US automaking sector, a symbol of American manufacturing.

Police find 12 migrants alive in refrigerated truck in Belgium

BRUSSELS, Oct 31 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Belgian police found 12 migrants alive in a refrigerated truck at a motorway parking area in northern Belgium on Wednesday after the driver alerted authorities, a federal police spokeswoman said.

The driver, who was transporting fruit and vegetables, called the police after he found 12 men of Syrian and Sudanese origin and took them to the Immigration Office in the city of Antwerp.

The men were discovered while travelling between Antwerp and Brussels on Tuesday, a police spokeswoman said.

All 12 were “in good health,” she said.

EU calls on India, Pakistan to resume dialogue amid tension over Kashmir

United Nations, Oct 31 (PTI) The European Union has called on India and Pakistan to avoid escalation of tension over the Kashmir issue and resume bilateral dialogue for a peaceful and political solution to the matter, after the Indian government revoked Jammu and Kashmir's special status.

Reacting sharply to India's move to abrogate Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir to bring it in line with the rest of the country, Pakistan downgraded diplomatic ties with New Delhi and expelled the Indian envoy.

EU should revise fiscal rules to free up spending on climate: advisers

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union should revise its fiscal rules to allow governments to spend more on policies to fight climate change and infrastructure, an independent advisory body said on Tuesday.

With the euro zone’s economy slowing, the rationale of fiscal rules that were hastily tightened after the EU debt crisis of 2010-12 is now widely questioned.

In its annual report, the European Fiscal Board (EFB) - which advises the EU’s executive European Commission - said the rules present “a number of weaknesses.”

EU nations agree Brexit delay until Jan. 31 as PM Johnson seeks election

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union on Monday agreed a 3-month flexible delay to Britain’s departure from the bloc as Prime Minister Boris Johnson pushes for an election after opponents forced him to request an extension he had vowed never to ask for.

Just three days before the United Kingdom is due to leave the EU on Oct. 31 at 2300 GMT, Brexit is hanging in the balance as British politicians are no closer to reaching a consensus on how, when or even if the divorce should take place.

Esper: US troops, armored vehicles going to Syria oil fields

BRUSSELS (AP) — The United States will send armored vehicles and combat troops into eastern Syria to keep oil fields from potentially falling into the hands of Islamic State militants, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Friday.

It was the latest sign that extracting the military from Syria is more uncertain and complicated than President Donald Trump is making it out to be. Though Trump repeatedly says he is pulling out of Syria, the reality on the ground is different.

EU shelves Brexit delay decision as Britain squabbles over election

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union agreed to London’s request for a Brexit deadline extension on Friday but set no new departure date, giving Britain’s divided parliament time to decide on Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for a snap election.

“There was full agreement on the need for an extension,” an EU official said after ambassadors to the 27 other EU member states met to discuss postponing Britain’s exit from the bloc, less than a week before the current deadline of Oct. 31.

US’s Esper has sharp words for Turkey over Syria invasion

BRUSSELS (AP) — After spending four tumultuous days engulfed in the chaotic ramifications of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper lashed out Thursday at Turkey for its military assault across the border on Syrian Kurdish fighters.

Speaking at the German Marshall Fund, Esper said Turkey’s “unwarranted” invasion into Syria jeopardizes gains made there in recent years as the U.S.-led coalition and allied Syrian Kurdish forces battled the Islamic State group.

EU's Tusk says letter of Brexit extension received

BRUSSELS, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- The European Union (EU) has received the letter of Brexit extension from London, Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, said Saturday.

"The extension request has just arrived. I will now start consulting EU leaders on how to react. #Brexit", said Tusk on his twitter account.

According to some British media, Prime Minister Boris Johnson requested a further extension to the Article 50 negotiating period to Jan. 31, 2020 in the letter, but refused to sign it.

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