Venezuelan president vows to defeat "new imperialists"

Nicolas Maduro

CARACAS, April 19 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro vowed to defeat the "new imperialists who seek to rob our sacred treasure, freedom" as the country marked the 209th anniversary of the start of its independence from Spanish rule on Friday.

On April 19, 1810, Venezuelans deposed the governor and captain general, Vicente Emparan, as well as other high-ranking Spaniards, sending them into exile. A year later, in 1811, Venezuela celebrated the signing of the Act of Independence.

"In 1810, we took the first steps toward independence, by refusing to recognize the authority of the Spanish imperialist on our land," Maduro wrote on his Twitter account.

"With that same rebellion, today we confront new imperialists who seek to rob our sacred treasure, freedom. We will defeat them!" Maduro said.

Maduro's remarks came as the United States has been pursuing a policy of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation against the Venezuelan government in support of the opposition leader Juan Guaido who declared himself interim president on Jan. 23.