Turkey has one goal from military operations in Syria: Defence Minister

Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar

03 August 2022; MEMO: Turkish Defence Minister, Hulusi Akar, said the only goal that his country wishes to achieve from carrying out military operations outside its borders, including in Syria, is to combat terrorist organisations.

He pointed out that the Turkish forces have neutralised 2,226 terrorists since the beginning of this year in the context of combating terrorist organisations.

The Turkish Minister denied claims that Ankara has any ambitions to invade and control neighbouring countries' lands and said, "Turkiye respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of neighbouring countries, and Ankara's struggle against terrorist organisations active in Syria and Iraq is also beneficial to both countries."

He noted that Turkiye attaches great importance to not causing any harm to innocent civilians, the environment and historical, religious and cultural heritage during anti-terrorist operations.

"Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Sunnis and Alawites are brothers. Turkiye does not target any of these segments. Ankara is only seeking to eliminate terrorist organisations. Everyone should realise that," he added, stressing that Turkiye's new strategy in combating terrorism is to strike terrorists wherever they are.

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has previously said that his country is planning to establish a safe zone at a depth of 30 km in northern Syria, and to cleanse the areas of Tel Rifaat and Manbij from terrorists.