Donbass conflict can’t be solved militarily: Berlin comments on Ukraine weapons requests

BERLIN, January 10./TASS/: The conflict in Donbass cannot be solved militarily, the German Federal Cabinet said in comments on requests from Ukrainian Ambassador to Berlin Andrei Melnik to supply defensive weapons to Kiev.

"Generally, I can confirm that the government believes the conflict there can only be solved politically and diplomatically, not through military means," Deputy Spokesperson of the Federal Government Christiane Hoffmann told journalists in Berlin on Monday. She added that Berlin remained in favor of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as the de-escalation of the situation there.

"Despite its restrictive policy on arms supplies," Berlin acts to facilitate peace in Berlin in different forms, German Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Andrea Sasse said. Within this context, she mentioned the construction of a military hospital and supplies of medical equipment.

Ukraine’s Ambassador to Germany Andrei Melnik said that Kiev expected Berlin to sell defensive weapons since Germany was allegedly morally responsible for the future of Ukraine. Otherwise, he threatened "serious consequences in bilateral relations."

Germany is not supplying weapons to the countries where military conflicts are underway. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said during a recent trip to Washington that the stances of Germany and the US on that issue were different. Washington provides military assistance to Kiev.