Iranian president officially refuses FM's resignation

Rouhani n Zarif

TEHRAN, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday officially refused to accept the resignation of Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, official IRNA news agency reported.

"Your appeal for resignation is against the country's expediency," Rouhani said in response to an earlier resignation letter by Zarif.

"Therefore, I do not accept it," he added.

In his Instagram message released on Monday, Zarif hinted at his resignation, saying "thanks for the great and brave Iranians and my colleagues, but I apologize for my failure to serve you and some flaws in my work."

Rouhani described Zarif as a "trustable, brave and pious" person and an official who has always been at the "frontline of resistance against the U.S. pressures."