Pro-Iran militia leader vows retaliation against US troops in Iraq

Qais Al-Khazali

30 June 2021; MEMO: Leader of the pro-Iran Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haq militia group Qais Al-Khazali yesterday vowed to attack US troops in Iraq in response to the US air strikes that killed at least five pro- Iran Iraqi militants near the Iraqi-Syrian borders earlier this week.

In a televised speech broadcasted by the group's satellite channel, Al-Ahed, Al-Khazali said: "We are not seeking blood… however the American treacherous enemy is the one who started wasting lives and moved the battle to this level."

"The resistance operations have moved to a new stage, and retribution for the blood of our precious youth will only be compensated with the blood of its occupying soldiers."

"If America continues to shed Iraqi blood, we will continue to respond, and we have full readiness and plans in a way that the enemy will not expect in terms of location and the quality of weapons," he added.

At least five members of pro-Iranian factions were killed in US air strikes on the Iraqi-Syrian border on Monday. The US strikes were slammed by the Iraqi government, army and the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF).