Hamas condemns Germany's ban of its flag, symbols

Hamas protest in Gaza

26 June 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas on Friday condemned Germany's ban of its flag and symbols in the country, linking it to a wave of alleged anti-Semitic violence.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Hamas Spokesperson Hazem Qasem stated: "We regret and condemn Germany's decision on the ban of the Hamas flag and symbols."

"This decision," according to Qasem, "does not reflect knowledge about the just cause of the Palestinian resistance represented by Hamas."

Meanwhile, he explained: "Despite this decision, the narrative (on the Israeli-Palestinian struggle) is expanding and becoming more present among Europeans."

He stressed that his movement: "Will continue its legitimate struggle against the occupation," pointing out that the resistance against the occupier: "Is guaranteed by all international and humanitarian laws and conventions."

This came in the wake of Germany's Bundestag (the lower house of parliament) passing a law banning symbols of groups designated as terrorist organisations by the European Union (EU), including Hamas. The law must be approved by the Bundesrat upper house in order to take effect.

Thorsten Frei, a lawmaker for Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union, told German newspaper Die Welt last week that the ban on the Hamas flag was in response to the widespread demonstrations against the Israeli offensive on Gaza last month.

"We do not want the flags of terrorist organisations to be waved on German soil," he said, adding that a ban would send "a clear signal to our Jewish citizens".