Israel demolishes Bedouin homes in the West Bank

 Israel demolish pelestinian village

13 June 2021; MEMO: Israeli forces on Sunday dismantled tents for Palestinian families in a nomadic Bedouin community near the village of Taibe, to the northeast of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, reports Anadolu Agency.

The Israeli soldiers raiding the village in the morning and destroyed 6 houses and animal shelters.

The locals said the demolished tents demolished a shelter for two families with a total of 15 members.

Dismantling of the shelters as part of a larger Israeli campaign aimed at emptying all of the Bedouin communities in the area in favor of the Israeli colonial settlement enterprise.

According to Palestinian sources, Israeli authorities demolished more than 500 Palestinian homes and businesses in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in the past year alone.

Under the 1995 Oslo Accord between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, was divided into three parts – Area A, B, and C.

The demolitions took place in Area C which is home to 300,000 Palestinians, comprising Bedouin and herding communities who mostly live in tents, caravans, and caves.

International law views both the West Bank and East Jerusalem as occupied territories and considers all Jewish settlement-building activities there illegal.