Israeli Jews send open letter calling for end to apartheid

 Orthodox Jews protest against Zionism

20 May 2021; MEMO: A group of Jewish activists using the hashtag #IsraelisAgainstApartheid have condemned the actions of the Israeli government in its ongoing offensive in the Gaza Strip, as well as its ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem. The group addressed the international community in an open letter which has been signed by 400 people.

Describing the state as a "Jewish-supremacist regime", the signatories urged the international community to "immediately intervene in defence of the Palestinians", not only in the occupied territories but also throughout historic Palestine.

"We believe that Zionism is an unethical principle of governance that inherently leads to a racist Apartheid regime that has been committing war crimes and denying basic human rights from Palestinians for over seven decades," they wrote.

The letter can be found at Jews4Decolonization.