Extremist Israel settlers continue incitement against Palestinians in Jerusalem

Israeli Settlers violence

24 Apr 2021; MEMO: Before the eyes of the Israeli police, extremist Israeli settlers continued their incitement and aggression on Palestinians in Jerusalem, Al-Quds Al-Arabi reported on Friday.

Arab MKs have warned that continuous incitement may lead to a repeat of the 1994 massacre carried out by the extremist Israeli Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein, which left more than 29 Palestinian worshippers dead and about 120 others wounded in Al-Ibrahimi Mosque during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Israeli MKs and extremist Israeli settlers continued their aggression against the Palestinian worshippers in the holy city of Jerusalem, while Israeli police stood silent.

Al-Quds Al-Arabi reported videos posted on social media showing extremist settlers from Kahanist right-wing organisation Lehava opening fire at Palestinians in Jerusalem, wounding tens of them.

The extremist settlers also attacked a number of Israeli journalists covering their violations against the settlers in the holy city.

One of the most dangerous inciters, Al-Quds Al-Arabi reported, is Head of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich, who renewed his incitement in a tweet: "What the Arab enemy is doing recalls the disobedience of 1936, and this is a result of the weak government, disabled police and corruption of the judicial system."

Head of the Arab Joint List in the Knesset Ayman Odeh sent a letter to the Israeli Interior Minister Amir Ohana calling on him to "immediately" stop the aggression of the: "Extremist right-wing and stop their continuous violence, crimes and terrorism against Arab students who attend schools in the holy city."

Odeh stated in his letter that Jerusalemites have been subjected to violence carried out by Lehava, which circulated information on how to attack Palestinians and disclosed information about how to hide evidence of the attacks.

The Arab Movement for Change, led by MK Ahmad Tibi, blamed Smotrich for the aggression carried out by Lehava, of which Kahanist Itamar Ben-Gvir, head of the Otzma Yehudit Party, is one of its leaders.

Recent weeks have witnessed increasing attempts to attack Palestinian worshippers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Arab Movement for Change reported, calling for urgent action to support the Palestinians in Jerusalem.