India: Scant space gives a parking problem to full-size cars

Kanpur: Parking is a big problem for the car drivers and if the four-wheeler happens to be large it requires considerable space.

A stout person who had taken a parking space for parking his newly bought Baleno faced difficulty in parking.

Being defeated in his attempt to park the glossy vehicle on the available space, he came to the owner for giving him another parking area so that he could park his vehicle easily in the way he wanted.

But to his utter surprise, the owner answer dismayed him. Another parking space was already rented. Upon knowing this fact, he requested the owner to think of giving him third parking. This made the owner laugh as there was no extra parking.

The owner made it clear that the other parking was rented months ago so how could the tenant be removed without any weighty reason. His rent payment always remains in advance so there was no apparent problem with him.

Though the transport ministry is aiming to weed out older vehicles by imposing the green tax, there will take time in emptying burden on parking spaces.