Ethiopian Army Discloses Capture Of Cities In Tigray Region

Map locates the Tigray area

ADDIS ABABA, Nov 22 (NNN-ENA) – The Ethiopian government, yesterday announced the capture of cities from Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) fighters, in different directions across the restive Tigray regional state.

“The Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF), took full control of Axum, Adwa and surrounding areas of Adigrat,” the state of emergency task force, established by the federal government, to watch over ongoing military operations against the TPLF, said.

“Our Defence Forces, who are advancing towards the hideouts of the TPLF, were confronted with a siege in Selehleha, after conquering Shire,” it said, adding “the TPLF, which had taken refuge in Selehleha, cut off roads with dozers and damaged the asphalt. Nevertheless, the ENDF broke into their defences and took control of the city of Axum,” the statement read.

According to the Ethiopian government, on the way from Axum to Adwa, “the TPLF tried to defend itself in some areas, but was defeated by our defence forces who took full control of Adwa.”

The ENDF is now advancing to Adigrat city after taking full control of its surroundings, it was noted.

The Ethiopian government also disclosed that, its forces are now on course to the regional capital, Mekelle, where many believe, senior TPLF leaders are presently stationed.

“Many of the TPLF have surrendered, including the ENDF soldiers that sided with the junta.”

Since the early hours of Nov 4, the Ethiopian government has been undertaking military operations against the TPLF, which rules over Ethiopia’s northernmost Tigray regional state.

The federal government’s operation followed the TPLF’s attack on the Northern command base of the Ethiopian Defence Force, a division stationed in the region for over two decades, and based in Mekelle city, capital of Tigray region.

Amid the ongoing fighting, the United Nations Refugee Agency warned that, a full-scale humanitarian crisis is unfolding, as thousands of refugees flee each day, amid ongoing conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, to seek safety into Sudan.

According to the agency, women, men and children have been crossing the border at the rate of 4,000 per day since Nov 10, rapidly overwhelming the humanitarian response capacity on the ground.

The UN agency is presently supporting the Sudanese government in its response, ramping up humanitarian assistance at the borders as the needs continue to grow.