UK, EU admit wide gaps in post-Brexit trade talks

British Union Jack and EU flags.

LONDON, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Britain and the European Union (EU) admitted on Wednesday that wide divergences remain on some difficult issues as they concluded two weeks of intensive negotiations on post-Brexit relationship.

"Progress made, but I agree with @MichelBarnier that wide divergences remain on some core issues. We continue to work to find solutions that fully respect UK sovereignty," Britain's chief negotiator David Frost wrote on Twitter.

Michel Barnier, EU's chief Brexit negotiator, tweeted that "Despite EU efforts to find solutions, very serious divergences remain in Level Playing Field, Governance & Fisheries. These are essential conditions for any economic partnership."

"The EU is prepared for all scenarios," Barnier wrote.

Britain and the EU resumed talks on Oct. 22 after negotiations stalled following the EU summit in mid-October, with Downing Street insisting there was no point in resuming discussions unless there was a change in stance from the regional bloc.

Britain and the EU started their lengthy and bumpy post-Brexit talks in March after Britain ended its EU membership on Jan. 31, trying to secure a future trade deal before the Brexit transition period expires at the end of this year.