India: Jamiat backs boycott calls against French products

New Delhi, Oct 28 (PTI) Prominent Muslim body Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind on Wednesday voiced support for the boycott call against French products given by Muslims in the Middle East and beyond over the controversy surrounding depictions of Prophet Muhammad.

In a statement, Jamiat general secretary Maulana Mahmood Madani strongly condemned French President Emmanuel Macron for "supporting insulting cartoons of Prophet Muhammad under the pretext of freedom of expression".

Madani supports every means of peaceful protest, including the campaign of boycott against France, the statement said.

Muslims should exercise restraint in the face of provocative situations and should also convey true message of Islam with wisdom, Madani was quoted as saying.

Many Muslims in the Middle East and beyond have called for boycotts of French products and protests over depictions of the Prophet.

The beheading earlier this month of a French teacher who had shown caricatures of the Prophet in class again ignited a debate over such depictions considered blasphemous by Muslims.