Rockets target US base in Iraq's Erbil

30 Sep 2020; MEMO: Several rockets landed last night close to a US-led coalition military base outside Erbil International Airport in Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan Region.

“There was no damage or casualties,” said coalition spokesman Colonel Wayne Marotto. “The incident is under investigation.”

The Kurdish authorities said that six rockets were launched but did not reach the base. However, Kurdish counterterrorism officers claimed that one of the rockets hit the headquarters of an Iranian-Kurdish opposition party which is banned in Iran.

Although no group has claimed responsibility, the Interior Ministry in the Kurdistan Regional Government believes that the attack was carried out by the Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU).

“This area is controlled by Hashd Al-Shaabi’s 30th Brigade,” said the ministry. “Our special teams are investigating in order to obtain more information.”

The incident came just hours after Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi vowed to protect overseas missions following warnings from Washington this week that it will shut down its embassy in Baghdad if rocket attacks on the Green Zone persist.

On Monday, a rocket attack killed two women and three children from the same family close to Baghdad Airport.