India: E-rickshaw swollen on-road giving rise to mishaps

Kanpur: Atheists talk about themselves all the time while we talk more about the mishaps occurring owing to plying of the e-rickshaws on as many as six designated routes in the city areas. But strangely enough, where is this mode of transport not available?

According to an estimate, there were running as many as 40 thousand rickshaws on the six routes. Oddly, only a figure of 15thousand is holding the license for running this light rickshaw. What is more surprising for us is that about 20% minor drivers are also plying this rickshaw that almost reduced the paddle rickshaw.

Accidents on six routes is the main cause of concern for the authorities concerned. A survey was done by the regional transport office and the traffic police which shows that the mishaps doubled in the last two months because of the unchecked run of the e-rickshaws. At least 20 accidents were taking place daily. 

Not only this but as many as 40% are running this carriage without a license. Those who possess the essential document acquire merely a light vehicle license.

What more could be said that this battery propelled carriage do not equip with the proper light system? 90% run without the proper lights or headlight, as is said.

As regards the condition of the rickshaw it has been made clear that nearly 40% rickshaws are not worth running. Its poor condition is conceivable in every way.