India: Stray animals' menace irks traders

KANPUR: A new way of protest on the part of the city traders has come to light. It was definitely not only their problem but each resident has been facing stray animals’ menace. Peeved with the carelessness of the authorities concerned the traders have presented a symbolic memorandum to the stray animals who have made their lives hellish.

When they were approached to disclose about their novel way of protest, they pointed out that they had initiated this step after getting no positive response over their complaints from the officials concerned. The customers were direct victims of these stray animals roaming on the roads, while the administration concerned maintains a deep silence, they charged.

They demonstrated to protest this persistent problem in almost every busy markets in the city. They gathered at the busy Meston Road here on Friday. A large number of traders were present to register their protest on the occasion. 

Although the Municipal Corporation has taken responsibility of keeping the stray cows in the chosen sheds yet it seemed to have turned its blind eye towards the nuisance created by the street dogs, roadside bulls, stray pigs and running monkeys.

The residents seldom find the animals catching drive in the different areas. The drawback is that children fear to move out of their respective houses due to fear of the ferocious dogs. They start barking at them at the mere sight of them. The story does not end here. Entering into the living areas these canines defile the spots badly.