UN Condemns Deadly Shelling In Libya’s Tripoli

TRIPOLI, May 9 (NNN-AGENCIES) – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), condemned the indiscriminate shelling of the capital, Tripoli, which killed two policemen and one civilian.

“UNSMIL is deeply alarmed by the intensification of indiscriminate attacks, at a moment when Libyans deserve to peacefully observe the holy month of Ramadan, and a time when they are battling the COVID-19 pandemic,” UNSMIL said.

“These despicable actions are a direct challenge to calls, by some Libyan leaders, for an end to the protracted fighting and for the resumption of political dialogue,” it said.

UNSMIL demanded all parties to the conflict in Libya to respect their obligations, under international humanitarian law, including complying with the principles of distinction, proportionality and precautions, in attacks to prevent civilian casualties.

UNSMIL reiterated that, those guilty of crimes under international law will be held to account.

The UN-backed government and the east-based army exchanged accusations for the deadly shelling.

For more than a year, the east-based army has been fighting with the UN-backed government, in an attempt to seize control of Tripoli. Many civilians have been killed and injured and more than 150,000 others displaced as a result.