Daesh suspect in court in Germany

FRANKFURT, April 26 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A 37-year-old man suspected of being a member of Daesh militant group has gone on trial in Frankfurt accused of genocide and murdering a young Yazidi girl.

Taha al-J is accused of enslaving the five year old, chaining her up and leaving her to die of thirst.

He is alleged to have held several roles in the militants’ so-called capital in Raqqa in Syria and in Iraq.

Detained in Greece last year, he was then extradited to Germany.

His German wife, Jennifer W, went on trial last year in Munich, also accused of murdering the girl in the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2015.

Taha al-J’s case has been described as an unprecedented genocide trial against a member of Daesh. He is accused of intending to wipe out the Yazidi minority.