Italy reports biggest one-day increase of corona cases - 3,590

 Corona Covid Italy

Rome; 15 March 2020 (UMM): Italy recorded 3,590 cases and 398 deaths within a 24 hour period, Civil Protection chief Angelo Borelli announced Sunday. The country has been on lockdown since last week

According to The Hill 15 March 2020, the country has confirmed more than 24,700 cases and more than 1,800 deaths.

Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CBS Sunday morning that Italy left "the virus to its own defenses" leading the number of cases to "go way up.", reported The Hill.

The World Health Organization has said most people will recover from the virus, and almost 74,000 have, mostly in China, where the virus is believed to have originated.