Chinese vice premier meets Bill Gates

 Han Zheng with Bill Gates

BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng met with Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and chairman of TerraPower, in Beijing on Thursday.

During their meeting, Han told Gates that China stands ready to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with the U.S. on new energy and energy-related technological innovation to continuously optimize its energy structure.

Han, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said China is opening its doors wider and its business environment keeps improving.

Han said China welcomes American enterprises to the country for energy cooperation with a view to enhance technological progress and achieve greater development through mutually-beneficial and win-win cooperation.

For his part, Gates spoke highly of China's achievements in the sustainable energy development sector, adding that his company will continue boosting cooperation with the Chinese side in this regard.