China imposes "reciprocal" restrictions on U.S. diplomats: spokesperson

Hua Chunying

BEIJING, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) -- China on Friday said it had taken "reciprocal" measures on U.S. diplomats in the country.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a press conference that the Chinese side issued a note to the U.S. Embassy in China on Wednesday, informing it of reciprocal measures going into immediate effect.

Hua made the remarks when asked to respond to reports that China had taken countermeasures in response to the previous restrictions imposed on Chinese diplomatic and consular officials posted in the United States.

In October, the United States ordered Chinese diplomats to notify the State Department in advance of any official meetings with U.S. diplomats, local or municipal officials and before any visits to colleges or research institutions.

Asked to confirm reports that U.S. diplomats in China are required to notify the Foreign Ministry five working says in advance of meetings with local officials, Hua said, the countermeasures "are reciprocal to the U.S. State Department's restrictive measures against Chinese diplomatic and consular officials."

"We once again urge the U.S. side to correct its mistake, withdraw the decision and provide support and convenience for Chinese diplomatic and consular officials posted in the United States as they fulfill their official duties," she said.

Hua said China has always supported diplomatic and consular personnel from other countries, including the United States, in carrying out normal official duties according to law.

"We will take appropriate measures in response to U.S. actions," she said.