Chinese state councilor meets U.S. state secretary, calling for win-win cooperation

Wang Yi n Mike Pompeo

BEIJING, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday met with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saying that China and the United States should follow the right path of win-win cooperation, rather than go astray toward conflict and confrontation.

Wang said Pompeo proposed his visit to China and the Chinese side was willing to arrange meetings.

Recently the United States escalated its trade friction with China, took actions that jeopardized China's rights and interests on the Taiwan issue and unwarrantedly condemned China on its domestic and foreign policies, Wang said.

Stressing that these moves have directly impacted on the mutual trust and cast shadows on the prospects of China-U.S. relations, Wang urged the United States to stop making negative remarks immediately.

"I know that during your visit, you also want to exchange views with the Chinese side on regional hotspot issues including the situation in the Korean Peninsula," Wang said, adding that this demonstrates as two major powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and the United States should strengthen communication and cooperation, so as to live up to the responsibilities entrusted by the international community.

Saying the two sides' cooperation should be supported by healthy and steady bilateral ties, Wang expressed his hope that Pompeo's Beijing visit will play a positive role in realizing the goal.