Pakistani PM wears black armband to protest 75th day of Kashmir lockdown

Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Oct 18 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday wore a black armband inscribed with #IamKashmir to express solidarity with Kashmiri brethren who suffered
75th consecutive day of lockdown in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

He tied the band on his right arm as a gesture of solidarity with eight million Kashmiris, who were being denied basic human rights including access to food, medical and communication facilities.

On the prime minister’s directive, the government officials and people from different walks of life, wore the similar black armbands to highlight the continued Indian atrocities in IOJK.

The prime minister in a tweet said Indian premier Narendra Modi was ‘riding a tiger’, thus finding no way to get off, as he continued siege of Kashmiris with 900 thousand troops.

Quoting a proverb ‘He who rides a tiger, is afraid to dismount’, the prime minister in a tweet on the 75th consecutive day of lockdown of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, said Modi was fearful of a bloodbath after lifting of curfew.

“As the world watches the worst violation of human rights in IOJK, Modi is now fearful, because he knows the moment the siege is lifted, there will be a bloodbath – which would be the only way to subdue the Kashmiri people,” said the prime minister.

Imran Khan said “Modi thought he could get his agenda of annexation by using 900k forces to silence Kashmiris”, however, such a heavy deployment in IOJK, was meant to terrorize Kashmiris.

“You don’t need 900k troops to fight terrorism; you need them to terrorize eight million Kashmiri people,” he said.

As per instructions of the prime minister, sirens were blared across the country at 3 pm where people assembled at their places and read the country’s national anthem as a symbol of unity for the Kashmir cause.

Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood led a gathering at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, joined by the officials and staff.