Indian Occupied Kashmir under virtual martial law, NYT says; urges UN to act

Imran Khan

NEW YORK, Oct 3 (APP): An influential American newspaper Friday characterized as “absurd” the claim by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that revocation of occupied Kashmir’s special status meant that the people there, have got equal rights with other Indians, pointing out that the disputed state was “essentially under martial law.”

The New York Times’ Editorial Board said that Modi’s clampdown on Kashmir would, in fact, only heighten tensions in the region and make life more miserable for Kashmiris, instead of his claim that it would resolve the conflict and bring normality and development to the troubled state.

The Times, in its editorial, also said that the United Nations cannot ignore Kashmir anymore, as it focused on Prime Minister Imran Khan’s warning that failure to resolve the crisis, could result in a war between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan.