Polish Armed forces commander empowered to allow NATO forces into Poland

WARSAW, Sep. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Polish defense minister Mariusz Blaszczak has empowered the Polish Armed Forces General Commander to allow the stationing of NATO and NATO-allied forces on Polish territory, local media reported Wednesday.

According to Polish Press Agency (PAP), the decision is mainly addressed to NATO and NATO-aligned forces and forces from countries participating in NATO's Partnership for Peace program. Foreign units stationed in Poland will not be able to exceed 500 people.

Issued on Sept. 7 and in force since Sept. 11, the ministerial decision follows a Sept. 23, 1999 act regulating the stationing and movements of foreign military forces in Poland.

It also empowers the Armed Forces General Commander to allow foreign army units into Poland in the event of natural disasters, for humanitarian reasons and for maneuvers.

The Polish Defense Ministry has not commented to PAP on the decision.

MPs from the Sejm (Polish lower house) Defense Committee told PAP that the decision was a new development, but stressed that it was right and will help regulate the residence of foreign forces in Poland.