Spain says yes to Open Arms but NGO says too far

Open Arms

ROME, Aug 19 (NNN-BERNAMA-ANSA) — Spain on Sunday offered a safe port to Spanish migrant rescue NGO ship Open Arms which has been stalled at sea with over 100 migrants aboard for over two weeks, but the NGO said even sailing to the nearest port of Minorca would be too far because of the “desperate” conditions of the migrants.

“These people must disembark immediately”, said the Open Arms, which is standing off the Italian island of Lampedusa but has been barred from landing by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.

France has offered to take 40 migrants while others will go to Spain, Germany, Portugal, Luxembourg and Romania.

Salvini said the ship should accept Spain’s landing offer, saying “Madrid has opened its ports, if you stick it out you win.

“Refusing Spain is unacceptable”. The anti-migrant League leader also denied reports that the migrant’s health conditions were critical, saying “there is no health emergency on board”.

Salvini has filed an appeal with the Council of State, Italy’s highest administrative court, against a decision by the regional administrative court of Lazio to let the ship into Italian waters.

A verdict is expected later Monday.

Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli meanwhile said the Open Arms “can’t refuse Spain’s offer, our Coast Guard will accompany them”.