China-Pakistan-Iran trilateral meeting successful step to enhance regional security: Wang Wenbin

Wang Wenbin

BEIJING, June 8 (APP): Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Thursday that the first meeting of China-Pakistan-Iran trilateral consultation on counter-terrorism and security was a successful step taken by the three countries to enhance regional security and stability.

“On June 7, Director-General Bai Tian of the Department of External Security of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs held in Beijing the first meeting of the China-Pakistan-Iran trilateral consultation on counter-terrorism and security at director generals level,” he said during his regular briefing while sharing more information about the meeting.

He informed that Seyed Rasoul Mosavi, Assistant to the Foreign Minister and Director General of South Asia of Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Abdul Hameed, Director General on Counter Terrorism of Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended the meeting.

China’s Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong met with the Pakistani and Iranian heads of delegation, he added.

The spokesperson informed that the three sides held in-depth exchange of views on the regional counter-terrorism situation and joint efforts to tackle the cross-border movement of terrorists, among other issues, and decided to institutionalize the trilateral consultation on counter-terrorism and security.

“The meeting was a successful step taken by the three countries to act on the Global Security Initiative and enhance regional security and stability,” he added.

He said that terrorism is a common enemy of humanity and said that China firmly opposes and strongly condemns terrorism in all its manifestations.

“We stand ready to work in close collaboration with Pakistan, Iran and other regional countries to resolutely crack down on terrorist forces that endanger the interests of the three countries and regional security,” he added.