Indian minister says cars to get "star rating" based on crash test

Minister Nitin Gadkari

NEW DELHI, June 24 (Xinhua) -- Indian Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Friday he has approved a proposal to introduce the new car assessment program (NCAP), a mechanism wherein automobiles made in India shall be accorded "star ratings" based upon their performance in crash tests.

According to the minister, the move will serve as a consumer-centric platform, allowing customers to opt for safer cars based upon their star-ratings, while promoting a healthy competition among original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in India to manufacture safer vehicles.

"Star rating of Indian cars based on crash tests is extremely crucial not only to ensure structural and passenger safety in cars but to also increase the export-worthiness of Indian automobiles," the minister said.

The minister said the program will prove to be a critical instrument in making India's automobile industry self-reliant with the mission of making India the number one automobile hub in the world.