Kashmir: IAS Shah Faesal launched his political party

 Shah Faesal

Srinagar; 17 March 2019: Former IAS officer Shah Faesal has launched his political party the 'Jammu and Kashmir Peoples' Movement,' today.

Former Vice-President of the JNU Students' Union (JNUSU), Shehla Rashid, also joined Faesal’s party.

According to The Hindu, scores of supporters from different parts of the Valley attended the launch of the Jammu and Kashmir People’s Movement (JKPM), whose slogan is “Hawa Badlegi” (winds of time will change).

Addressing the gathering mostly comprising youth, Mr. Faesal said: “I joined the civil services 10 years back. Over the years, I realised that my diagnosis as a doctor was wrong. I believed that by providing roads, electricity and safe drinking water, we could change the lives of the people. But I have understood that as long as the youth in Kashmir live in a state of constant fear, as long as our mothers and sisters face the prospect of losing their dignity and dear ones, nothing will work here.

“It is natural for many to discredit a new idea and understate a revolution, when they see one in the making. Some say we are agents of the army. I am ready to face all criticism, but our pursuit to usher in a new tomorrow will continue undeterred.”

The former bureaucrat said Kashmiri politicians were living in a state of mental siege and slavery. “This all pervading mentality of siege has to go,” he asserted. Mr. Faesal also spoke of his personal resolve to remain truthful. “My entire family is here in this gathering today. My little son is listening to what I say and promise. I will do nothing to prove to my son that his father made false promises or lied to his people,” The Hindu quoted Faesal.