Kenya aims to inoculate 19 mln adults against COVID-19 by June


NAIROBI, March 22 (Xinhua) -- Kenya has so far vaccinated 15.9 million adults against COVID-19, the Ministry of Health said Monday in a report, putting the country on course to achieve its target of wholly vaccinating 70 percent of its adult population by June.

According to the ministry, 7.9 million people are fully vaccinated with two doses. Kenya plans to fully vaccinate 19 million adults by mid-year and an entire adult population of 27 million people by the end of the year.

The 7.9 million vaccinations mean the East African nation has achieved 42 percent of its target of vaccinating the 19 million adults, the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry said the country's total vaccination of both adults and teenagers stood at 17.3 million. Out of the number, 8.96 million are partially vaccinated.

Kenya targets to inoculate 2.9 million teens (15-17 years) fully by June and the entire teenage population of 5.8 million by end of December.

Kenya has so far received 27 million vaccine doses namely Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Sinopharm.