India: Bull moves past the school gate quietly in Jajmau

Kanpur: Have you noticed the bull that entered the crowded road at the time of school break?

The school's gate open just on the road connected with the highway in Jajmau here.

As the students and parents were standing at the mouth of gate there was enough crowd.

It was so much disturbing that the  parents waiting at the gate were causing problem to other parents looking for their wards.

In the meanwhile, a bull came into the crowd but all provided space to pass the bull. It appeared suitable to the angry bull and it crossed the whole length of the way gently. This remained good for one and all.

The quiet departure of the bull was indeed a matter of solace for all stuck in the crowd.

It did show a different posture for all those present were fearful of this animal, reacted a few persons present there.

This observation was unique in itself. Who  would like to face it's fury? It neither moved very fast nor tried impatiently to hurt anyone in the crowd.

Sudden arrival of the bull near the school entrance gate cannot modify the terror of bull, but what appeased the students was a silent withdrawal from the place.