India: IIT Kanpur to organize E-summit '21 from Jan 21 to 23

IIT Kanpur

Kanpur: Entrepreneurship cell, IIT Kanpur will be hosting its flagship event ESummit '21 from January 21-23 in online mode.

This three-day annual summit is held to bring together the academic community. It also ventures capitalists, new age entrepreneurs and all those anxious for entrepreneurship. 

It provides an a way to demonstrate the entrepreneurial talent. 

This year's theme is "Tenets of Tenacity". The inaugural session will commence with an address by Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director, IIT Kanpur, followed by an Address by Prof. Amitabha Bandopadhyay, Faculty Advisor, E-Cell, IIT Kanpur.

Various workshops like "Introduction to Block Chain and crypto currency" will be held.

With a prize pool of over Rs 7.5 lakh, competitions like Biz Quiz, Decrypt, Pitch Prime, Pitchers 2.0, and many others will give the participants a dose of entrepreneur zeal and assess their entrepreneur mindset with a holistic approach.