India: Students must not be subservient to robots: PM at IIT-K Convocation

IIT Kanpur

Kanpur: Prime Minister Narendra Modi started off his address at the 54th convocation ceremony of the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur here today with a quip, "Is it necessary to be this serious at a convocation?" He launched blockchain-based digital degrees at the ceremony.

UP Governor Anandiben Patel and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath attended the function as guests of honour.

The Prime Minister said that the students must not forget that we are humans. We should not turn into robot versions of ourselves. While we all must explore artificial intelligence, we must not neglect human intelligence.

He  further said that the students being felicitated today are also being bestowed upon with the responsibility of guiding India towards success for the next 25 years. This century is completely technology-driven.

"Students have invested the most important years of their lives in learning about technology. When India celebrates its 100th year of independence, includes the contribution of all the students who are present here today," added Modi.

Congratulating IITians for making India the second biggest startup hub in the world, he said that this feat has been achieved with the help of students from IITs.

IIT Kanpur's contribution in developing 5G technology has been recognised globally.

We must strive religiously for a self-reliant (atmanirbhar) nation. If we are not self-reliant, then how will India succeed and scale ultimate heights? And this can be done only by the youth of this country," said the Prime Minister.

The students were issued digital degrees through an in-house blockchain-driven technology developed at the institute under the National Blockchain Project.

These digital degrees can be verified globally and are forgery-proof.

IIT-K is hosting a physical convocation after a year as it was held virtually last year.