India: Kanpur records minimum temperature at 5 degrees Celsius

 cold in India

Kanpur: The minimum temperature was recorded at 5° Celsius today. Clouds continued throughout the day.

The cold day conditions in isolated pockets over west Uttar Pradesh are likely during next 24 hours and abate thereafter, the weatherman reports.

It is, however, very likely to continue in some parts of Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh during the next 24 hours.

Chances of cold waves from December 22 are very low due to the arrival of two back-to-back western disturbances, the first in Wednesday nigh and the other on December 24.

Delhi will start seeing moist easterly winds and cloudiness from December 23, which may bring down the day-time temperatures. But the minimum temperatures will increase as the heat gets trapped due to clouds.