India: Tanneries to remain closed for 3 days prior to bathing festivals

 Kanpur tannery

The Kanpur administration has directed the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board to close tanneries and factories situated on the banks of Ganga in Jajmau amidst the upcoming Magh Mela in Prayagraj.

The Control Board's regional office has written letters to the Tannery Associations. It has wanting them to shut the tanneries for two-three days prior to different bathing dates. So that the bathing festivals should be followed in clean water.

In case of closed tanneries the discharge will not be generated inside the tanneries.

Anil Mathur, regional officer, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, said that a four-day roster for closure of tanneries had been prepared. The major bathing festivals have been considered for this purpose.

The tanneries would remain closed for  three days before the bathing dates.

After the festival the tanneries can be able to resume their production.

The district administration has formed an inspection committee headed by the district magistrate.

This panel will inspect the site in case any report is filed regarding violation of the orders and take action against the defaulting tannery.

Cases will be registered, and fines will be imposed on violation of orders, Mathur said.