India: Kanpur ranks fifth pollutant city in Uttar Pradesh

Kanpur: Kanpur ranks as the fifth most polluted city in Uttar Pradesh, when it comes about the contaminated air.

The impact of this is declared every morning when the district is encircled by a blanket of smog.

This fog of pollution, according to the air quality monitoring system, does not disperse as the day grows larger.

The sky is usually clear throughout the day, but visibility is hindered once again with the nightfall.

In the meantime, the AQI monitoring stations in Kanpur highlight that air quality remains the most harmful during the early hours of the day.

It is coincidentally the near exact time when students get ready to go to their respective schools at distinct destination.

This makes the young lot the most vulnerable to the breathing problems, against the backdrop of COVID-19, and the rise of the Zika virus and seasonal flu.

All school administrations are accordingly advised to make proper arrangements to prevent the impact of air pollution on student health.

For this, the installation of air purifiers in each class and the mask imperative should be pressed in all schools. How many are the schools making arrangements for air purifiers? ask the guardians.

If the classrooms are not curtained how will its window be curtained well to confirm proper ventilation without pollutant inflow?