US-PKK links to be revealed soon: Turkish minister

 Suleyman Soylu

Trabzon; 25 Feb 2019; AA: Turkey will reveal links between the U.S. and PKK/PYD terrorist group in the coming days, the country’s interior minister said on Sunday.

Suleyman Soylu said that he will announce to the public about what kind of relations the U.S. generals and the PKK/PYD had.

Soylu added that recently captured PKK members shared information about their links to the U.S. as well as some European countries.

The Turkish minister’s remarks came during a meeting with mukhtars in Turkey’s Black Sea province of Trabzon.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK -- recognized as a terrorist group by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women and children. The YPG/PYD is the group's Syrian branch.

Turkey has repeatedly objected to U.S. support for the terrorist PKK/PYD as a "reliable ally" in Syria, which has included supplying arms and equipment.