West won’t prevent Belarus, Russia from achieving their goals, Lukashenko says


MINSK, October 2. /TASS/: Belarus and Russia have a shared policy and pursue joint goals which the West cannot prevent them from achieving, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with CNN as quoted by the BelTA news agency on Saturday.

"We are absolutely the same both externally and internally. We have common policy, common goals, And we are advancing towards these goals along the same route. And we don’t need any promises. We are close related nations. And without any promises we will build our future and even you won’t be able to hinder us," the Belarusian president said.

Lukashenko refuted the opinion that he promised something to Russian President Vladimir Putin in return for Moscow’s diplomatic and financial aid. "Listen, you have an Anglo-Saxon way of thinking. We do not hold talks in this manner neither with President Putin nor at other levels. We will do something and you will pay us or we are promising something," he noted. "We are brotherly people, we are the people from the same root - Belarusians and Russians," the Belarusian president said.