Pakistan: Muslim world’s collective voice, not protests to end blasphemy: PM

Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD, Apr 19 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday said the collective voice of whole Muslim world and threat for trade boycott could put a stop to blasphemy as protest demonstrations would damage nothing but Pakistan’s booming economy.

“Will expulsion of French ambassador and cutting ties with them will stop this (blasphemy). Is there any guarantee that no one will do it again. I guarantee, if Pakistan does it (expels French envoy). I know the west. If Pakistan does it, some other Europen country will do it again in name of freedom of expression,” the prime minister said in his televised address to the nation.

Referring to the protest demonstrations by Tahreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan, amidst their negotiations with the government, the prime minister said the riots had killed four police personnel, injured another over 800, 40 police vans were gutted besides damage to private properties.

He said though the objective of the government and TLP was to get rid of the blasphemy, the latter’s approach was counter-productive.

“When we will expel French ambassador and cut ties, it means we will cut ties with whole of European Union. This means half of our textile exports will come down. This will create unemployment and rupee will be under pressure thus creating inflation and poverty. We will be on losing end, not France,” the prime minister remarked.

The prime minister said contrary to the TLP’s strategy of getting the demands fulfilled through agitation, he viewed that only the heads of all Muslim states should make it clear to the forums in European Union and western states as why the Muslims got hurt by the blasphemy.

“West does not understand. They do not even love the prophets the way we do with our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Even, they are not attached to religion (the way we are). They will have to be make it understood,” he said.

He made it clear that protest demonstrations would make difference only to Pakistan, not France.

He said currently, Pakistan’s economy was on boom with its large scale industry getting better, creating jobs and wealth and rupee getting strengthened.

The prime minister told the countrymen that since last two and half months, the government was in negotiations with TLP making them understand that their strategy would make Pakistan suffer.

He said the government had also decided to present their demands in Assembly but simultaneously, the party announced to hold sit-in if the envoy was not expelled which also led to the arrest of their leadership.