Iran: Tehran rejects dividing sanctions into JCPOA-linked and non-nuke-deal-related ones — TV

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TEHRAN, April 7. /TASS/: Iran has vowed that it "will not accept a division of the Trump-era sanctions into JCPOA-related ones and those unrelated to the JCPOA", PressTV reported Wednesday citing its source.

According to an unnamed Iranian senior official, in order to return to the Iran nuke deal, all sanctions imposed during the Trump administration must be annulled, regardless whether they were imposed over the JCPOA or not.

The source also added that Iran would need a sufficient amount of time to verify the termination of the sanctions, and that it could not be done within "a short time."

"Tehran’s return to the implementation of its obligations under the Nuclear Deal is impossible until a thorough verification that the sanctions have been removed is complete," the source said, adding that "the US and Europe must guarantee that the sanctions would not be imposed again."

On Tuesday, the Joint Commission on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal) began in Vienna. Following an in-person meeting with participation of Iran, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, China and France, two expert working groups were tasked with defining specific measures that must be taken by both sides for the return to the JCPOA’s full implementation.