Ukraine: Kiev forces launch drone strike on Donetsk republic, DPR’s mission says

drone strike

DONETSK, March 14. /TASS/: Ukraine’s Armed Forces dropped an improvised explosive device from a drone near the Leniskoye village in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic’s south, the Donetsk News Agency reported on Sunday citing the DPR’s mission to the Joint Center for Ceasefire Control and Coordination.

The incident occurred at 12:15 p.m. Moscow Time. The Kiev forces launched a drone from the Ukrainian-controlled Vodyanoye village, the DPR’s mission noted.

Earlier on Sunday, the DPR mission reported that Ukraine’s forces shelled the Donetsk republic twice the previous day, firing 14 munitions. On Saturday, the DPR’s people's militia informed that it had shot down the Ukrainian forces’ drone which was used to adjust fire on the Luganskoye village to the south of Donetsk.