Afghan peace talks see progress as negotiating teams agree on key agenda: local media

Afghan peace talks

KABUL, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- A progress has been made in the intra-Afghan peace talks in Doha, capital of Qatar, as negotiators from the Afghan government and the Taliban group agreed on the key agenda, a local TV channel reported on Monday.

The two sides agreed to include UN endorsement for the Afghan peace process, commitments of the negotiating teams, the will of the Afghans as well as the U.S.-Taliban peace agreement as the base for main procedural issues and the basis for parley, Tolo News TV reported.

The peace talks have been underway between the government negotiating team and the Taliban representatives in Doha since early September this year, to find a peaceful solution to the prolonged Afghan conflict, but no tangible progress had been made yet.

Differences between both sides over the procedures, rules and regulations were the main obstacles to the talks.

The report came as an international conference on Afghanistan is expected to be held in Geneva, Switzerland later on Monday.