Syria urges UNSC to condemn western coalition’s airstrikes on civilian settlements

TASS, January 5. The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent a message seeking to condemn airstrikes of the western coalition in the Deir ez-Zor province to the UN Security Council on Saturday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Saturday. The message noted that over 20 civilians living in the settlements of Al-Kashkia and Al-Shafaa including four children were killed over the past two days of airstrikes.

"Keeping silent regarding military crimes, the Security Council enables the US and other coalition countries to dodge responsibility and flout international laws," the document said.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry urged the UN Security Council "to assume prompt steps to stop aggressive attacks of the western coalition in Syria that kill civilians and ruin infrastructure, as well as to set up an independent and neutral mechanism to investigate those crimes, punish the offenders and provide compensation to aggrieved families".