Lukashenko: Students taking part in Belarus protests should be expelled


MINSK, October 27. /TASS/: Students who join illegal protest rallies in Belarus should be dismissed from universities, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Tuesday.

"Students. If you came to study, then study. Let those study who want to. And those who joined unauthorized rallies in violation of law should be stripped of the right to be a student. As I said, please send them to the army or to the streets. Let them walk around the streets. But they must be expelled from universities," Lukashenko noted.

He added that the same should apply to lecturers and professors who engage in protests. "The same goes for teachers. They are few and far between but behave nastily in universities," he underlined.

The Belarusian leader earlier repeatedly emphasized that a lot of students and young people are involved in unauthorized protests that have engulfed the country since presidential elections on August 9. On October 20, Lukashenko replaced rectors of three universities that came to be the center of student protest activities.