Security services can do plenty to defend Russian, Belarusian interests, intel chief says


MINSK, October 22. /TASS/: Special services of Russia and Belarus have a great potential to ensure the two states’ interests and react adequately to the emerging threats and challenges, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Head Sergei Naryshkin told a meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Thursday.

"The security services can do a great deal to guarantee the interests of our countries and the interests of our citizens and protect them from those threats that emerge from time to time," Naryshkin affirmed.

According to the Russian foreign intelligence chief, Minsk will host a joint meeting of the two countries’ special services’ boards. "We are holding it [the meeting] at a difficult time. I absolutely agree with the estimates on the degree of tensions in the world in general, including around our countries," Naryshkin said.